Policy Briefs

As a result of its efforts, MEDEA has produced a number of Policy Briefs. You can download them in PDF format below.

Policy Brief 1

Policy Brief No. 1 - Engaging Security Practitioners in Foresight & scenario-planning for capability roadmaps

The value-added of engaging security practitioners, along with experts and technology developers, in foresight exercises, is high, as they can contribute detailed insights about prospective functional needs in the field. Forward-looking scenarios about emerging threats are essential for anticipating and developing in time the capabilities that will be required in the future. The 5-year-long experience in the Mediterranean & Black Sea Practitioners’ Network & Capacity Building for Effective Response to Emerging Security Challenges has demonstrated that the conduct of such participatory exercises is labour-intensive and demands specific competencies and robust design of the process. That is, nevertheless, key to bridging the supply and demand side, transforming innovative R&D results into operational solutions for practitioners embedded in real contexts of security provision…

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Policy Brief 2

Policy Brief No. 2 - Interoperability: Key to managing migratory movements and security in EU

Interoperability is the ability of information systems to exchange data and share certain information between different systems. Through this, it is possible to improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of information exchange tools at international level by ensuring the technical processes, standards and tools.
Information exchange between immigration and asylum authorities, LEAs, customs and border services from EU Member States (MS) and third countries is of crucial importance for the management of migratory movements and asylum, and also border management and surveillance in Europe. Both irregular migration flows and regular movement of people across borders are becoming increasingly complex and therefore require greater coordination and collaboration to enable EU information systems to work together both within and outside of the Schengen area.

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Policy Brief 3

Policy Brief No. 3 - Combatting new trends in drug trafficking

Organised Criminal Groups (OCGs) involved in drug trafficking are becoming polycriminal, since they use their profits to fund other forms of criminal operations, and even terrorism. The current policy brief focuses on the challenges faced by Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in their operations against drug trafficking and moves to a list of recommendations about the intelligence exchange between EU Member States (MSs), lawful interception of communications, and cryptocurrencies.

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Policy Brief 4

Policy Brief No. 4 - Upstream, Horizontal, and Downstream Policy Recommendations

After more than five years of activity, the Mediterranean & Black Sea Practitioners’ Network & Capacity Building for Effective Response to Emerging Security Challenges has singled out a number of key areas for policy intervention. These range from overarching national and EU-wide security policies and security research policy (Upstream), to the multinational, multi-sectoral, and cross-disciplinary ecosystem of security research (Horizontal), and not least to the engagement with and adoption by public and private emergency responders and crisis managers on the ground (Downstream). The challenge of matching the evolving threat landscape of the EU with the security culture and capabilities needed for preparedness and response is an ongoing one, and MEDEA has delivered actionable recommendations to either support better and wider implementation of identified “good practices”, or help “change the game” towards practices which are “fitter-for-purpose”.

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