TCP4 – is a thematic community that focuses on natural hazards and technological risks. 

The Mediterranean and Black Sea region is the most vulnerable European region to earthquakes and forest fires. The frequency, speed and magnitude of hydrological risks are expected to be acerbated in the region due to climate change. The group of experts delve into issues relative to wildland–urban interface (WUI) fires, rapid flooding, geophysical hazards and their impacts as well as technological accidents, accounting for all the disaster crisis stages.

  • Rognac (South France)

    10/08/2016 - 15h09 - Fire starts due to negligence.
  • Rognac (South France)

    10/08/2016 - 15h15 - Arrival of First Responders- 0.3 ha burned
  • Vitrolles

    10/08/2016 - 16h50- ~1400 ha burned- Fire speed: 5 kh/h- Fire crosses D9 road
  • Les Pennes Mirabeau

    10/08/2016 - 19h30- Fire runs along A7 highway.- Threatens Estaque area (NE Marseille).
  • Highway A55

    10/08/2016 - 20h30- Fire leaps 1.5km over the A55 toward Marseille.
  • La Gavotte, Marseille

    11/08/2016 01h00- La Gavotte evacuated.- 1000 people evacuated- 33 wounded- 6000-8000 people impacted
  • La Gavotte, Marseille

    11/08/2016 - 12h40- Fire under control