Project Coordinator - Center of Security Studies KEMEA

Center for Security Studies – KEMEA

The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) is a think tank on homeland security policies and an established research center since 2005 (L. 3387/2005) within the Hellenic Ministry of Interior (former Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection), aiming to support security policy implementations in Greece at a strategic level.
More specifically, the activity of KEMEA includes a) the certification of practitioners of private security professionals at the national level, b) research and development in context of National and European projects in close cooperation with LEAs, working under the auspices of the Ministry of Interior and c) training of practitioners in new systems and technologies. The Center also provides advisory and consulting services to the Ministry of Interior as well as to other Public and Private authorities on safety and security issues.

Guardia Civil

Guardia Civil

The Spanish Guardia Civil is an armed institution with military nature which is part of the State’s Defence & Security Corps and takes part of Security Bodies in Spain. As one of the national agents with responsibilities on security, the Spanish Constitution establishes as their prime mission to protect the free exercise of the rights and liberties of the Spanish people and guarantee security of the citizenship, all of it under the responsibility of the Spanish Government.
It is dependent from Ministry of Interior with regard to services, salaries, destinations and means, and from Ministry of Defence with regard to promotions and missions of military nature. Besides, Guardia Civil deals with necessities of the Treasury Ministry related to the financial prosecutions of the state and watch over fulfilment of the rules and regulations related with the different organizations of Central and Autonomous Communities Administrations.

Ministero dell' Interno - Department of Public Security (Policia di Stato)

Ministero dell’ Interno – Department of Public Security (Policia di Stato)

In the future, the response to multiple threats in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region will have to function in an environment in which advances in technology and the evolution of society and the geopolitical situation of the region may significantly affect both the nature of threats and of the response. MEDEA’s response to this challenge is through the establishment of a network driven and operated by practitioners, whose daily jobs and concerns is to make the M&BS societies more secure and safer.

Romanian Police - POLIȚIA ROMÂNĂ

Romanian Police is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is the state’s specialized institution designated to defend the fundamental human rights, public and private property, to prevent and detect crime, to preserve public peace and order, according to the law.

Romanian policing is a public specialized service, created for protecting the best interest of the community and in the support of the state institutions, on the sole basis of law enforcement.

Entente pour la Forêt Méditerranéenne - VALABRE CEREN

Entente pour la Forêt Méditerranéenne – VALABRE CEREN

Entente pour la Forêt Méditerranéenne (EPLFM) is a government organization, coordinating the efforts of the 14 departments most affected by natural hazards of the South of France covering 4 regions: Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, Languedoc-Roussillon, Corsica, and Rhône-Alpes.
The CEREN, was officially created on May 16, 1979 as the Test and Research Center of the ENTENTE, it is in charge of carrying out all the necessary tests in the area of Civil Protection, for the implementation of new systems and for their efficiency evaluation. These tests and experiments can be directly ordered either by the Entente/CEREN, by the Directorate of Defence and Civil Protection or by other Government Organisations. CEREN mostly deals with applied research, which is directly useful for Civil Protection users. The CEREN also collaborates with many researchers, industrial companies and users at a national and international level. It is in this context that we have initiated and participated in many European Research and Development programs.

Ministério de Defesa Nacional

Ministério de Defesa Nacional

The Ministry of National Defence (Ministério da Defesa Nacional or MDN) is a Portuguese government ministry and supervises the Naval’s Research Center (CINAV) operations. CINAV (the Portuguese Navy’s Research Centre) was created in 2010 to coordinate the various research projects in which the Navy participates, and to support the research conducted by the faculty of the Naval Academy, where CINAV has its offices. It currently has 7 research lines, in the following areas: Signal Processing, Decision Support Systems, Mobile Robotics, Maintenance Engineering and Management, Maritime History, Maritime Strategy, and Naval Health. It has 15 permanent members that hold PhDs (mainly faculty from the Naval Academy), and over 50 associate members (mainly naval officers involved in research projects). Its research projects cover a wide range of areas and go from theoretical research funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation, to more applied research funded by various national and European agencies, to very applied research (demonstration and testing) funded by the Navy itself.

Defence Institute "Professor Tsvetan Lazarov"

Defence Institute “Professor Tsvetan Lazarov”

The Bulgarian Defence Institute “Professor Tsvetan Lazarov” is the main scientific-research, testing-design and expert-technical structure in the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Defence Institutes’ work is focused to: (a) Scientific-research activities, scientific-practical activities, development and experimental design activities in the sphere of Armaments, C4I Systems, Military Techniques, Logistic Equipment and Materials. (b) Support to the Analysis of the situation of the Armaments, C4I Systems, and Military Techniques, Logistic Equipment and materials and working out of perspective prognoses on their development. (c) Support to the Integrated Project Teams through taking part in the preparation, scientific monitoring and complete implementation of the defence programs and projects. (d) Reproduction of scientific personnel through education in doctoral programs, their development and creation of scientific-technical for needs of the Defence System. (e) Support and ensure of scientific-technical consultations by experts for the needs of the Armaments Council and the Defence Capabilities Council. (f) Cooperation in the sphere of research works, development, testing and certification of the defence products in the frameworks of NATO, The European Union, as well as on bilateral basis and in national aspect. (g) Working out technical specifications and expertise, programs and methods for testing, as well as standardization and other documents, related with the acquisition of defence products. (h) Preparation and performance of laboratory, functional, acquisitional, field and other testing of armaments, C4I systems, Military techniques, Logistic equipment and materials. (i) Treasure, acquisition and development of the departmental standards. (j) Certification of Quality Management Systems in accordance with NATO Standards, guaranteeing of the quality and assessment of the compliance during the acquisition of defence products. (k) Ensuring of air safety and flying suitability of the military aerial vehicles, as well as of the aerial vehicles of the Ministry of the Interior.

Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat / Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk

Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat / Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk



THW (Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk) is the Federal Agency for Technical Relief of the Federal Republic of Germany. It is a governmental non-profit organization belonging to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community.

Established as the German governmental disaster relief organization in 1950; its tasks are defined by federal law within the framework of civil protection, disaster control, public emergencies, and large‐scale accidents. The organization provides technical relief and assistance in Germany and abroad.

80,000 volunteers are members of THW today — among them about 15,000 kids and teens-, who spend their free time preparing to help others in need. The membership is organized under 668 local sections. Only about 2 percent of the staff is employed full-time at the headquarters in Bonn, in the 8 federal offices, 66 regional offices, the three schools and the two logistic centers.

Provided with modern equipment and well-trained relief workers, THW assists at the local, regional, national and international level by a wide range of tasks. Search and rescue, flood protection, electricity supply, technical support of infrastructure, drinking water supply, command and communication, and logistics support are some of THW’s operational capacities. The diversity of its units reflects its range of operations.

THW has been active in more than 130 disaster relief operations abroad and has its own international logistics center including highly qualified personnel. They were seen in action after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in the United States in 2005, after the devastating explosion in Lebanon, and cyclone Ida in Mozambique 2019 just to name a few.

To ensure security solutions that meet the requirements on the ground, THW also conducts its own research in cooperation with research consortia on a national level or within the framework of Horizon Europe.  The aim is to explore innovative solutions that increase public security and concentrate on both – prevention of damage and on crisis response measures.

General Maritime Directorate

General Maritime Directorate

General Maritime Directorate-Albania is a governmental institution that guarantees sovereignty and sovereign rights of the Albanian state in the maritime space through an integrated management of national sources of the institutions that are responsible and have sea interests. General Maritime Directorate is the Maritime Division of the Ministry of Transport and plays the role of Albanian Maritime Administration as Flag, Port and Coastal State covering all safety and security issues regarding Maritime Field. All maritime operations realised in the Republic of Albania and Safety and Security on board the vessels as well as the open maritime ports in the Republic of Albania as per International instruments SOLAS covering major roles of the Albanian Maritime Administration as Flag State, Port State and major issues as Coastal State.

Hellenic Ministry of National Defence

Hellenic Ministry of National Defence

The Hellenic Ministry of Defence (HMOD) applies the Government’s National Defence Policy. HMOD implements interventions focusing on the facilitation of the interaction with citizens like the digitalization of recruitment archives and services, the generation of digital charts and weather reports, and also incorporates departments and units that address social issues like public protection, crisis management, humanitarian aid and social and environmental research. Therefore, HMOD today incarnates a very important social role in everyday life of Greek citizens and people. HMOD is a public authority – as of the latest act of Presidential Decree 35/1995- primarily involved in the execution of the maritime surveillance, control and protection functions at national and/or regional level related to defence, while contributing with its personnel and assets in additional tasks, related to accident and disaster response, search and rescue etc.

Croce Rossa Italiana Comitato di Vicenza

Croce Rossa Italiana Comitato di Vicenza

The Italian Red Cross of Vicenza is a branch of the Italian Red Cross that has the status of a sovra-national charitable organization, under the high patronage of the President of the Italian Republic. The Italian Red Cross is currently a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The Italian Red Cross is currently conducting the 2020 Strategy promoted by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The main aim of this project is to reach, during this decade, 6 objectives based on the analysis of the needs and vulnerabilities of the community. The 6 strategic objectives are the following: • Safeguard and protect health and life • Encourage support and social inclusion • Prepare the community and respond to emergencies and disasters • Spread the International Humanitarian Law (IHL), the Fundamental Principles and the Humanitarian Values. Cooperate with the other members of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement • Promote youths development and a culture of active citizenship • Operate with a capillary, efficient and conspicuous structure, treasuring the activity of volunteers

Ingenieria de Systemas para la Defensa de España

Ingenieria de Systemas para la Defensa de España

ISDEFE comes to life in 1985 as a Public Mercantile Society, to support the Spanish Public Administration both at Spanish and European level and with the objective of providing technical engineering support and consulting services for advanced technologies in the Defence and Civil sectors. The company has grown as a reliable ally for the Spanish Government and has developed a line of work as an independent technical support and consultancy services provider in the areas of Defence and Security, and in particular in Border Management and Surveillance, Transport Systems, Information Society Technologies and Communications. ISDEFE has no commercial or industrial interest in the object of the contract to be carried out under the PCP, as it was established from its origins for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest. ISDEFE is subject to management supervision by the State Authorities as it reports to the Secretary of State for Defence through a Board of Directors, comprised of Defence Ministry Advisors (Central Units and Armed Forces), the Ministry of Development and the Ministry of Economy and Taxation.

European University of Cyprus / Centre for Risk and Decision Sciences (CERIDES)

European University of Cyprus / Centre for Risk and Decision Sciences (CERIDES)

The Centre for Risk and Decision Sciences (CERIDES) provides a holistic offer to the academic and business world. The Centre is based on the offering of educational (taught), research and consulting solutions. The Centre has emerged from the synergies that have been identified between the Centre for Risk, Safety and the Environment (CERISE) and the Decision Support and Systems Optimization (DSSO) Laboratory and operates under the auspices of European University Cyprus. It is the first cross-disciplinary, cross-School Center of Excellence of European University Cyprus.
The areas of focus of the Centre of Excellence revolves around the development, use and evaluation of primarily quantitative and to a lesser degree qualitative methods in order to measure, assess, manage and communicate risk, and to analyze, design and implement decision-making mechanisms and systems

HALPIN - Centre for Research & Innovation at North Maritime Collage of Ireland

HALPIN – Centre for Research & Innovation at NMCI

HALPIN is the research & innovation pillar of the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI) which is a constituent college of the Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and a partnership with the Irish Naval Service (INS). The National Maritime College of Ireland is the first third level college in the country to be built under the government’s Public Private Partnership scheme (PPP). Through this partnership, HALPIN is the maritime research and innovation centre for CIT and also undertakes research and innovation activities on behalf of the INS.

NMCI has developed a strong reputation in research through successful partnerships in European funded research projects since its inception. In 2012 Halpin was created as the formal research entity for NMCI. To date Halpin has successfully completed 32 externally funded research & innovation projects and has 11 projects ongoing. HALPIN has secured over €6 million in competitive research funding from Irish, European and international sources and from both public and private entities. HALPIN has worked with over 200 research, innovation, industry and public-sector partners in Ireland, Europe and across the world.

ZAKA - Search and Rescue

ZAKA – Search and Rescue

ZAKA, a UN-recognized international humanitarian volunteer organization, operates a platform of over 3,000 search and rescue professionals in 22 countries worldwide – on call 24/7, ready to respond to major international disasters. ZAKA sends highly trained volunteers to assist in international disasters and works on site in conjunction with other civilian and military emergency personnel. In recognition of the organization’s exemplary humanitarian work, ZAKA received official Consultative Status by the United Nations in January 2016, serving as an advisory body to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The organization takes an active role in discussions, conferences and meetings related to disasters, sharing best practices with other international emergency bodies.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. - DGAP

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. – DGAP

The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) is Germany’s network for foreign policy. As an independent, non-partisan, and non-profit membership organization, think tank, and publisher the DGAP has been promoting public debate on foreign policy in Germany for 60 years. The DGAP’s goals are: • to promote and contribute to foreign policy debate in Germany, • to advise decision makers from politics, business, and civil society • to inform the public on foreign policy issues • to strengthen the German foreign policy community • to advance Germany’s foreign affairs status in the world.

European Organisation for Security - EOS

European Organisation for Security – EOS

The European Organisation for Security (EOS) has a long-standing history on European funded projects, as a Coordinator and as a Partner. Our experience on Dissemination and Communication or Exploitation sections or proposals and projects have been established from projects like ARCHIMEDES, CAPITAL and POP-Alert. In this project EOS will develop a comprehensive and solid Dissemination and Communication Strategy which will be a living document, updated yearly. In addition to this, EOS will prepare an exhaustive list of target groups for the purposes of establishing a pool of relevant stakeholders for this project. EOS will also contribute to the SOTA section, with specific expertise on Northern Africa and sub-Saharan conflicts and will also be involved in the policy WP for better alignment with the policy environment of the European Commission, European Parliament and EEAS. In terms of policy development, EOS has had a significant role in the development of a consolidated strategy for border management throughout the EU and bridging the gap between the European security industry and EU bodies.

European Union Satellite Center - SATCEN

European Union Satellite Center – SATCEN

The European Union Satellite Centre (EU SatCen) is an Agency of the Council of the European Union (EU) whose mission is to support the decision making and actions of the EU in the field of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and in particular the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), including EU crisis management missions and operations, by providing (at the request of the Council of the European Union or the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy) products and services resulting from the exploitation of relevant space assets and collateral data, including satellite and aerial imagery, and related services. As such the EU SatCen is an institution linking Space and Security with technical and operational expertise as key primary user of satellite data as well as product and service provider in the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. The staff of the European Union Satellite Centre consists of experienced imagery analysts, geo-spatial specialists, project engineers and supporting personnel recruited from EU Member States; the EU SatCen also hosts seconded experts from EU Member States and Third States. The European Union Satellite Centre headquarters is located in Torrejón de Ardoz, in the vicinity of Madrid, Spain.

FUNDEA - Fundación Euroárabe

Fundación Euroárabe

The Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies is a highly specialised institution that works within the fields of cooperation, training and research.

FUNDEA aims to create a space for dialogue and cooperation between Arab countries and those of the European Union.

The Foundation was entrusted with promoting cultural, scientific and economic relations between Europe and the Arab World throughout the spreading of scientific and humanistic knowledge produced in universities and other centres for scientific research or artistic creation, either national or international, in order to contribute to the reinforcement of the dialogue between Arab and European States.

For that purpose, the Foundation focuses on the promotion of studies and research as well as platforms and forums of discussion and debate. By means of collaboration agreements, the Foundation maintains relations with educational, cultural, research and economic institutions in order to strengthen ties among countries in Europe and in the Arab World.

Hellenic Police - HPO - ΕΛ.ΑΣ.

The Hellenic Police is subordinated to the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection.

The Hellenic Police assumed its present structure in 1984 when the Gendarmerie (Chorofylaki) and the Urban Police Forces (Astynomia Poleon) were merged (Law 1481/1-10-1984, Government Gazette 152 A).

Hellenic Police (Elliniki Astynomia) is a Law Enforcement Agency according to the Law nr. 4249/2014 and its mission is to:

  1. ensure peace and order as well as citizens` unhindered social development, a mission that includes general policing duties and traffic safety
  2. prevent and interdict crime as well as to protect the State and the democratic form of government within the framework of constitutional order, a mission that also includes the implementation of public and state security policy
  3. prevent illegal border crossing as well as to enforce the legal framework in which immigrants are allowed to live and work in the country. 

Hellenic Police is comprised of both central and regional Services. Hellenic Police`s headquarters is the supreme authority over these Services. Its efforts center on the fulfillment of the Force`s mission, within the framework of the Ministry of Interior`s policy.

For this reason, it schedules, directs, oversees and monitors the activities of its Services, and it ensures the necessary conditions for the exercise of its authority.

In its continuous mission to serve and protect citizens, Hellenic Police has responded to our times` demands and challenges by improving training, adopting a modern crime prevention policy, better utilizing science and technology and by exploiting international law enforcement cooperation.