EU Borders Security:

Acting Ahead across Research, Practice,and Policy - 27th & 28th of September, 2023, Madrid

EU Borders Security

Acting Ahead across Research, Practice,and Policy

We are pleased to invite you to the MEDEA project’s event “EU Borders Security: Acting Ahead across Research, Practice,and Policy” that will take  place on the 27th and 28th of September, 2023, in Madrid, in Isdefe premises

This requires constant exchange among edge research and innovation, strategy and policy planning, and implementation on the ground, and, respectively, all involved stakeholders at regional, national, and EU level. So, we hope you are interested in this relevant subject, and we expect and welcome your participation, feedback, and engagement in the discussions during this event. Please, register here.

This conference is structured in the following focus sessions:

  • Hybrid Threats & Border management,
  • Evolving interoperability Challenges,
  • Practitioners’ Key Role in Security Research
  • Looking Forward: A common path between Security Policy and Security Research.

A guided visit to the CECORVIGMAR, Spanish Guardia Civil Coordination Centre for Maritime Surveillance of Coasts and Borders, is also scheduled to take place in the context of the conference.

You can find more information in the invitation flyer and agenda.

For any further details regarding the event, please, contact Raquel Pastor (

Stay tuned for more similar activities of MEDEA, since the upcoming weeks are very promising.

Follow us on social media and do not hesitate to share your thoughts and ideas with us!

