Press Release - MEDEA RDI Days TCP 4

The MEDEA Project, after launching an Open Call for Technology Solutions and Ideas, organised an RDI Day event, so that industry solution providers could present their solutions and ideas at the MEDEA project’s Thematic Community of Practitioners that pertains to the Management of Natural Hazards and Technological Accidents.

The event was co-organised with the FIRE-IN project in the framework of synergies with similar projects so that results are optimally multiplied, and took place virtually on January 18th, 2022. One hundred-and-sixty-eight (168) participants (industry, researchers, practitioners) registered online at this event, of whom, more than one hundred (100) were present at peak time.

The RDI Day opened its activities by firstly presenting the two co-organising projects, as well as the overarching purpose and specific aims of the event. Afterwards, solutions providers had the opportunity to describe and present their products, while, at the last part of the event, participants joined five separate breakout rooms, where a more in-depth discussion ensued on the operational gaps and challenges that practitioners face. To that end, the coordinators facilitated the exchange of ideas on specific capability gaps and current technological solutions (TRL 1-9) regarding Wildland-Urban-Interface (WUI) Fires and Flash Floods.

The RDI Day offered a unique opportunity to gather both solution providers and practitioners, where the former could present their solutions to possible end-users, and the latter could share their needs and insights about existing solutions. This joint event boosted interaction and created communication channels between all involved stakeholders.