Capability Gap


Insufficient safeguards of intelligence about practitioners’ assets and resources


Practitioners would like to prevent adversaries from gathering intelligence about them. This is described with capability gap number 2.CGF.15. In detail, security personnel operating along the borders, apart from the fact that they are custodians of sensitive information (both classified and unclassified) they use certain assets and operate certain technologies with a finite number of resources. The information about personnel resources, the solutions deployed, and their location are routinely targeted by adversary intelligence entities. Aside the Human Intelligence (HUMINT), perpetrators also use Technical Intelligence (TECHINT). For example, facilitators use similar technologies like the security personnel (e.g., night vision goggles) or they are aware of the type of sensors deployed, thus they know their technical capabilities of the equipment. Furthermore, they are aware of the technology/solution shortfalls and more importantly, they exploit migrants to identify areas along the borders that have vulnerabilities. Consequently, security practitioners would like to minimize and mitigate the risks related to perpetrators who collect information about their deployed systems and resources.

- Operational Challenges

- Current description of operational capability

- Current Capabilities

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