Press Release

MEDEA and IFAFRI joined forces to address security challenges and capability gaps.

The MEDEA project and the International Forum to Advance First Responder Innovation (IFAFRI) successfully concluded their joint event, which showcased their achievements and solutions in the field of security operations. The event took place at the War Museum in Athens, Greece, on 30 and 31 October 2023, bringing together security practitioners, researchers, industry representatives, policy makers and first responders from all around the globe to discuss the current and foreseen security challenges and capability gaps, as well as the innovative technologies and approaches  to address them.

The attendance of the workshop was highly encouraging with more than 150 individuals registered, and about 85 attending the event physically.

The event consisted of two days of presentations, panel sessions, interviews, and demonstrations. The first day focused on the MEDEA project, its findings and lessons learned. To that end, the final results of MEDEA, which has developed a methodology to identify, prioritise, and validate the capability gaps of security practitioners in Europe and beyond, were presented to the audience.

The second day highlighted the IFAFRI initiative and current technology solutions. The participants had the opportunity to interact with the speakers and the exhibitors, as well as to visit the museum and enjoy a social networking event.

Keynote speeches and scintillating panel sessions were abundant during the two days, ranging from the SSRI Area Coordinator from DG Home, Mr. Skiadaresis, who emphasised the importance of projects like MEDEA, to the representatives of the U.S. Homeland Security Department who shared their pertinent insights and findings on the common challenges and capability gaps. The event was a huge success and the perfect ending to five and a half years of productive cooperation.

About MEDEA:

MEDEA established a network of security practitioners from different domains and countries, and utilised a scenario-driven methodology to address capability gaps. The project also explored future scenarios and threats that might affect the security operations, and provided recommendations and guidelines for addressing them.


IFAFRI is an international forum that aims to advance first responder innovation by identifying common capability gaps and facilitating the development and adoption of innovative solutions. The forum is composed of government organisations from 14 countries and the European Commission, and works closely with first responder associations, industry, academia and other stakeholders. It has identified eleven (11) capability gaps that affect the first responders globally, and organises technology pitch events to showcase potential solutions.

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The MEDEA Consortium

Contact Point: Medea Project Management team –