Capability Gap


Need for a solid approach to efficiently exploit lessons learnt from past floods


Another gap identified during the Flash Flood workshop is related with the overall lessons learnt process. More specifically, the need for the adoption of a solid approach to efficiently exploit lessons learnt form past floods was identified. Better knowledge of vulnerability/exposure of the territory (including definition and prioritization of flash flood prone areas), policy integrating risk prevention and actions to be taken and the identification of appropriate (case-specific) mixture of approaches for flood mitigation, can support the setting up of such a solid approach. 

From a technological perspective, there is a need for combined approaches for flood mitigation that could be adopted in the aftermath of a past flash flood event so as to be better prepared against an upcoming event. For the selection of the approaches, the details of historic events need to be examined, so as to retrieve any useful experience from them and avoid their recurrence. To this end, proper (case-specific) combinations of structural and non-structural (mostly nature-based) solutions for flood mitigation need to be examined and eventually a justified optimum combination needs to be identified for application.

- Operational Challenges

- Current description of operational capability

- Current Capabilities

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