Capability Gap


Need for solutions to efficiently archive past flood events (both for prevention and preparedness) in a standardized format and make them accessible to practitioners and relevant stakeholders.


In the aftermath of a flash flood, it is of vital importance to have a coherent picture of the event (conditions under which it took place, details on the event, impact assessment) and keep track on the correlation between rainfall and flooding (where, when and what happened), so as to properly process its characteristics and extract useful conclusions in order to support prevention and preparedness for another upcoming flash flood event. To this end, it is very critical to efficiently archive past events in a standardised format, so that they are ready for any appropriate analysis and become available to the practitioners, as well as other stakeholders involved. Hence, there is a need for a dedicated entity that would perform an automatic retrospective, which would provide reliable post-event information on the affected population and impacts on assets (industry, structures, CI, environment etc.).

In order to properly exploit lessons learnt from a past flash flood event, a solution that would keep track of the characteristics and the evolution of the event is needed. Such a solution could properly store and to a certain extent analyse all relevant recorded datasets (images, videos, technical characteristics of a flood, affected locations etc) so as to provide a complete overview of the progress of the event. Another particularly useful feature of such a solution, would be the correlation between rainfall and the associated flood impact.

  • [Note: technology is mature to fulfil this need]

- Operational Challenges

- Current description of operational capability

- Current Capabilities

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